A fibre cement flat sheet with a tongue and groove appearance
HardieGroove™ lining is a flat sheet that has vertical V-shaped grooves carved into its face. Sanded smooth, it’s site-painted to create the traditional look of tongue-and-groove timber panels.
Provides a great looking and hard-wearing internal lining option
HardieGroove™ lining can be used as an internal wall lining in residential living areas, hallways, bathrooms (excluding showers) and garages and on soffits where a durable, tongue-and-groove timber panel look is required. It can be used on either timber or light gauge steel framed homes.
Fast broadwall coverage with concealed jointing and high impact resistance
- The high impact resistance of HardieGroove lining, compared to timber, makes it the smart choice for high-traffic areas that are prone to wear and tear.
- The sheet with V-shaped grooves carved into its face gives a look of individual tongue-and-groove panels with the benefit of fast broadwall coverage. To add to this, the sheet edges are finished with a half groove to conceal butt jointing and make it easy to do.
- HardieGroove lining is resistant to damage from termites, rot and fire.*
HardieGroove™ lining Installation diagram
* When installed and maintained correctly and to the extent set out in James Hardie’s published literature current at the time of installation.